Tuesday 29 January 2013

Stop taking for granted..!!

Y do some people take so much advantage of everything....y do ppl take others for granted....just cause they know u r too close....n won't ever leave....the same ppl go to world s end to make everything alright when things go terribly wrong.....but r too lazy to do the same bit by bit everyday so that we never ever reach that stage.....
   we are sometimes just too lazy n mean....we go to miles to do something for people who dun mean anything to us just cause they won't wait for us..just cause they won't understand us....but dun care to understand ppl sitting just beside us........why ?? Just cause they r close to our heart n we can always make them feel good when free ...just cause all they will do is complain...n.we  can always make up for it....someday...!!! plenty of time we have...!huh!!
its so hard to make a call.to a distant frd or family ....always short of balance but we have loads n loads of it to chatter uselessly for hours to ppl nearby.....no time to respond calls but hell.lot of it to waste lying downing bed doing nothing.....
  that's us v r too lazy for the one close to heart....da one who deserves each n every minute of us......n busy with things that mean nothing..people who just dun count....!!

Monday 23 July 2012


sometimes i feel..thats it....der are no more strange people to see....is se zyaada kya ho ga n life brings yet another bunch .....n da more i meet da more my mind wanders how to deal with them/....

i have met a hell lot of different ppl here....

some like my status said are victims of inferiority complexes who tend to hide it wid a big pseudoego...inside they just too shallow......try n argue u go nowhere...they create a world in their mind where dey r sooo perfect n we all just fools........sometimes i feel its utter stupidity to feel bad about what they say about u but......mind was never a remote controlled gadget......its bound to feel...n it DOES FEEL....!!

den there are some...no matter how much u do for them....in da end it seems so less(of course from der point of view).......n just some trivial fake efforts by others r appreciated so much by them......what u stand in their life..how much u mean all depends where u r...with whom u r....n actually on WHO's WATCHING....!!!!! everything about them is so temporary....

da other one.....they have diff rules for diff people.....diff personalities for diff......n guess what ...for u the bad side is alwz der...!! they might be ready to forgive forget no matter what happens in life but when it comes to u they want to get it etched wid sum highly permanent non washable ink in their mind n want to revise it more n more......more than they shud be actually revising their med syllabus...!!

since da day i hv come here.......i hv seen so many simply struggling to adjust...understand(no efforts yet..!!).....make decisions( which of course dun last..!!)......crave for sumone(who they never get..).....n the list goes on...n there were even some u gave up.....n me??? m simply trying to understand whats happening.....

everytime i write a stupid sad status...i get a feeling ...not again....!! ab toh samajh jao....but then i down have some down regulators working in this department at least who will make me immune.....i cant.........

its been around 7 years i came out of my coccoon(my home..my sfc) n hv had innumerable experiences......its a cycle......it will go on.......m just waiting for the moment when things will actually stop affecting me.......n like others i would be explaining others too"koi kisi ka nahi hota" LOL....he he

Sunday 3 June 2012

let me be 'ME'

there was apoem i read in school....dun rememeber da title..nor da exact lines but it was about sum1 who had bcum too much frustrated wearin a facade...he wanted to be him....but da world forced him to be someone else........false pretence...false praises....all had made him hate da world....n all he desired for was his innocent childhood where he was so much away from da wordly ways..........n his soul was pure...uncorrupted...he could wave n smile if he liked n it wasnt necessary to greet every1 to be "NICE".....but then there are hundreds of ppl he cudn hurt....so a fake smile till his cheeks hurt....else he was cald proud.........a world wear he wore a mask each n every day...........

i dun know y i m thinking of this poem .....tryin to memorise its line.....its been long...i dun even rememeber which standard i read it in...

sometimes i feel so too....sometimes i desire earnestly for ppl in front of whom i can be me......just me...da real me.....without fear...

u meet so mant ppl in life....some do let u be u but its nt that simple....it starts wid phrases like "u r so amazing"......perfect..."i like da way u..." to end up with the same ppl trying to change u in everyway they can........till u simply stop being u......till u wanna yell at them to stop it......

da poet said that the world demands u to be different than what your innerself wants u to be if u wanna survive.......it takes u away from "U"....n u end up being fake.......

if only i cud remember da poem...

Tuesday 13 December 2011

ishh: i need u

ishh: i need u: i need u...some times i just wanna sum it up in these 3 words n sometimes i wanna write n write till words dun come...i need u.... i need ...

i need u

i need u...some times i just wanna sum it up in these 3 words n sometimes i wanna write n write till words dun come...i need u....

i need u to understand....understand me..like no one ever did....more than i say...n beyond my deeds.....

u need not be da perfect guy on this earth....u need not be da most handsome one...i dun wanna show u off to the world...i dun want u for da world...... i want u for me..just me...

i dun want u to shower me gifts cards or flowers....i just want u to be near me....each n everytime i need u n also wen i dun....

i need u to understand....dat sumtimes i reali dun understand..!! this world..the people....why somes things turn out the way they do....n why ppl sometimes behave the way they do.......y sometimes everything is so wierd.......i need u to understand that sometimes i might have a completely different perspective..(sorry many times)...n sometimes i tend to look at things beyond good or bad....n that my views mostly do not match with the general ones....

i need u to understand that i dont take revenges...i dun fight back on many on many things..i dun shout back....but m not a coward... when the time comes i can stand for myself........

i need you to understand that m a bit of confused in everything i do;) .....a friend of mine who now rests in heaven named me confusion personified.....i might say its brown today .....2mrw it may be pink......yet i can stick to many things firmly.......

i need u to understand that i can never hurt u intentionally....i cant..its not in me....

i need u to understand that where ever u are.......i'm waiting for u............I NEED U

Sunday 11 December 2011

ishh: no title

ishh: no title: isnt it strange da way u become immune to certain things that once affected u a hell lot...and now when they happen u dun even wanna spend y...

ishh: no title

ishh: no title: isnt it strange da way u become immune to certain things that once affected u a hell lot...and now when they happen u dun even wanna spend y...