Monday 26 April 2021

The pandemic diaries

7 pm

Ishita katyal 




Does anyone have an idea of vacancy in Delhi. I need a bed.

My saturation is 85%


 This message was posted by my ex colleague in our WhatsApp group yesterday.

Mind you we are a batch of doctors. Most of us are doing super specialisation in our respective  fields while the rest have already started practising since long.

Almost all of us have served in the last pandemic. And those surviving are still serving this time too.


The phase of wearing PPE kits and sweating to death is back . However this time it’s stronger and worse. This time people are less fearful and as expected no one learned anything from the year 2020. We have no beds …no oxygen. People are dying in numbers and yet the only signs of humanity and sense is seen among the sufferers and healers. While the rest are busy  riding motorcycles with a mask flowing like a sheet underneath their carefree nose. A few people will die serving them ..tending to them when they catch COVID. Do they care?

People neglecting masks . They don’t realise the importance of N95 masks .COVID corona


You cannot stop people. You can stop them from going to malls but they will order a hundred things online..things they don’t need ..things they won’t wear. We are a mass of clueless creatures who have no idea what they are doing on earth. And when such a cohort is faced with a crisis like this they tend to become more chaotic and clueless.


We had a full one year to learn so much. Remember the messages we forwarded of how the world will be post COVID? That people will value relations more. The earth will be greener and cleaner. The posts had no pollution. People were happier. More hospitals were built. People valued health above all. Though we never went into the post COVID phase but did you find even a reflection of this world when the cases went down?


[to be continued]

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