Friday 21 October 2011

ishh: i m still learning..

ishh: i m still learning..: "never let a person of the opoosite gender make you compromise with your standards" This had been one of my fav quotes since school....tho...

i m still learning..

"never let a person of the opoosite gender make you compromise with your standards"

This had been one of my fav quotes since school....though i never actually went into da deeper meaning of it...they say u realise things more deeply after they actually happen to u..

may be dats how i m...da moment i let people close to me..i start keeping them first....and most of the times i find i have lost myself.....
i wish people were more appreciative of the power they are given in someone s life...i wish i was more sensible of how much i was letting them control it too...
its only when things go utterly wrong i realise this is not what i am...n of course this is not what i had planned for myself...

LIFE for me has alwz been more than being happy and aims have alwz been to fly the highest i can...sometimes it disappoints how i let people just cut my wings......dis fact hurts more that in the long run it was i who gave them the ­power...and still i dun believe in keeping grudges.....its indeed hard to keep hatred n add unnecessary burdens on your mind....forgive n forget....not for them but for your inner peace...!!

But then every experience is a stepping stone...a new lesson...which engraves new changes so deeply that u emerge as a stronger person....with a confidence that next time THIS WONT HAPPEN..!!­

ishh: i am still learning.....

ishh: i am still learning.....: "never let a member of the opposite gender make you compromise with your standards" This had been one of my fav quotes since school....tho...

Monday 17 October 2011

life was a fairy tale

wen i was born i thot mum pa were da world...without any idea of anything that existed beyond da cocoon was a fairy tale n I was da princess:)

wen i entered school...i  discovered a whole new world....wen i reflect on it again was seemed only about...friends friends n friends..I MISS da way everything was beaultiful in my eyes...n everything again fitted so well in my fairy tale....
Dos “ den so serious problem” were...
  • Preparing da bulletin boards...
  • Sports day( it gave me shivers.......i had nothing to do with it)
  • My first solo performance..da musical play...
  • Dos lil fights wid my best frds....(der  was never a single girl u called your best frds..Too many ppl to care for u.......)
  • Da biggest problem..who to take along on your birthday..!!
now wen i think about dem i wish dey all come back...dey were far easier to handle....i remember my best frd once gave me a longgggg lecture on being serious in life n i completely ignored it...seemed was all about being happy...:):)
ma'am used to say enjoy this life as much as u can cause u will miss it later....
now in college i do miss it like hell....may be not da life as much as i miss da ppl...