Showing posts with label newstart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label newstart. Show all posts

Friday 24 August 2018

So you start painting new leaves and twigs

Isn't it funny sometimes or that single time when everything comes crashing down on you and life seems to have no meaning...when everyone seems a stranger and there is not a single soul to connect with..when you leave everything aside and get so numb that nothing affects you or stirs any chord inside you.
You feel it's the end ...
Of a long dream
Of  everything your life is based upon
Of every relationship you survived upon
Of every thing that made you 'you'

When everything seems so empty ..people so shallow n stuck up...when you give up making efforts..when you become numb to your own short when life seems worth ending and running away...
You gradually feel lighter ...

Cause there is nothing to mourn about.. nothing to worry about..cause nothing exists that has to be taken care tender hearts to care feelings to be taken care of..
And life becomes a blank board..
You are so numb so blank...the board looks new...a white start painting again...
This time without any expectations.....or fears..cause this is what you were afraid of...n your life came to that...but guess what you are still alive and breathing in it...what possibly could go more wrong..

So you start painting new leaves and twigs...