Showing posts with label Medical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical. Show all posts

Tuesday 3 November 2015

what medical school does to you!

You enter the med school with such naivety that if you compare yourself with what you were and what you turned into(post mbbs) you would be shocked. Medical life changes you completely.
  You develop the superpower to cram/understand/both huge enormous it permanently in your brain and then lose the key...a heavier brain but seems so empty! 
  They make you study everything possible in this world..if you ever see someone analysing a mosquito they just sympathetic.. He/She,probably,is a mbbs student trying to identify the species...might even be wondering what does this cause?  Nope they aint worried about malaria...what probably the poor creature is trying to recall is whether it was filariasis or chikunginya,Japanese encephalitis or rift Valley fever.
   You cannot ever estimate what your body needs more..oxygen or caffeine?? Add alcohol for few..and nicotine for others. (Caffeine works for me thankfully) 
   It makes you super annoyed and irritated when non medico pass comments like' dude your exams are after a month why are you pretending to be busy with studies!' :/ 
   Every friend of yours is suddenly suffering from cancer, tb and what not and it's normal!
     You attend few weddings(esp those who do mbbs from outside their state) and wonder whose who..when did these people grow up..! Let alone get married why were they so desperate to have kids so soon..(and you realise they are functioning at a normal pace!!)
   You have these intermittent urges to contact people and remind you are still alive and will be available one wait!!
   You browse through Facebook instagram whatsapp pics,  then look at your clothes and realise..oh so this is what is in these days..why don't I own these clothes too? Just let me get over with this then I will follow the trend too (lol)... One day yeah :/
   This sun and moon cycle doesn't stand a chance in your life.You can wake when you want, work when you want and sleep when you want(if they let you).
It makes you numb to a lot of things people would generally feel for and hypersensitive to things you could easily let go....wierd emotions.
  And while dealing with all this you wonder why your peers pass comments like 'but then you are a medico(wow)' 'a feat very few achieve ' and you give them a vacant look...really??what did I do..ha ha kiddo!! Wish you knew!