Sunday 11 December 2011

no title

isnt it strange da way u become immune to certain things that once affected u a hell lot...and now when they happen u dun even wanna spend your energy giving a simple if i dun even care to react...leave alone argue...ha ha...the same thing affected u so much that each aspect of your life turned hell...n now...[just nothing]

may be thats da stage when u find yourself merrier..more content...n when da most appropriate phrase dat hovers in your mind s good..u tend to look at da good aspects...not those who ditched u but those who stood by u......not those who maligned u but those who were ready with words to make u smile....just a smile:)

once sum1 told me...whenever something bad happens...dun mourn...look at da brighter aspect...LIFE IS A has just removed those u were nt good to dat u remain wid those who care....sumtimes u cant define situations as..i lost a frd....sometimes they were just not meant to be...!! n i guess what she told me is right..may be..!!

but at  least one thing i have learnt....when u focus more on the good things in your life...good ppl...all da good seems much much much better.....cause you are driving al your energy towards THE GOOD..!!

1 comment:

  1. i realy do appretiate dis optimism......nice 1 ik write sum more bhoot......
